Grovegibly – Bioélelmiszerek és élelmiszerboltok Prestashop Reszponzív téma

6 months of support Egy termék megvásárlása 6 hónap támogatásra jogosítja a szerzőtől. Ha többet tudna meg a részletekről, kérjük, olvassa el a támogatás politikát.

shoppingBag Értékesítések: 25


Created: 2023. szept. 20.

Updated: 2025. márc. 13.

ID: 359680

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

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Grovegibly – Bioélelmiszerek és élelmiszerboltok Prestashop Reszponzív téma - Features Image 1Grovegibly – Bioélelmiszerek és élelmiszerboltok Prestashop Reszponzív téma - Features Image 2Grovegibly – Bioélelmiszerek és élelmiszerboltok Prestashop Reszponzív téma - Features Image 3Grovegibly – Bioélelmiszerek és élelmiszerboltok Prestashop Reszponzív téma - Features Image 4Grovegibly – Bioélelmiszerek és élelmiszerboltok Prestashop Reszponzív téma - Features Image 5

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##Update History


  • Added password policy feature in theme for prestashop version 8.x
  • Added additional description on category page
  • Resolve issue with product zoom on detail page


  • Updated theme with totally new file structure
  • Added theme files with prestashop version 1.7.8.x and 8.x.x compatible
  • Added quickstart package with prestashop version 8.2 compatibility


  • Added theme compatibility with prestashop version 8.1.x.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements
  • Fixed some hook related problem with modules
  • Added new twitter icon


  • Added theme compatibility with prestashop version 8.0.x.

1 Reviews for this product

We bought this template on 03. Jan. 2025 and have made a very good choice with both: the product and the author. Here is my grade: Product: The template is also offered as a archive for installation via FTP. You can save a lot of time and nerves, because both Prestashop and Template are integrated in the Quickstart at the same Time. The Installation ran smoothly without any Errors, all Elements were positioned correctly and the Hooks were set correctly. The Template is very clearly designed, it has a nice graphical Interface. It contains many useful Banners and other graphic Elements to promote Sales. The Mega-Menu offers many design options. Banners can be switched on and off as required. I also really like the Counter. I could write a lot more, but I'll just say that the Template is simply superb. Author: Every Author at Templatemonster promises Support. But the Codezeel team are real professionals, simply unbeatable. Codezeel never leaves you alone. His response time is less than 6 hours, taking into account the world time zone difference. There is no perfect template that immediately fits your industry. I also had requests for changes. The Team solved all Customisations super quickly and professionally. I will be buying more things from Codezeel soon. The next project is a WP template for our website. Thomas from Germany
Thank You so much for your positive feedback. We really appreciate your honest review for our theme and support.

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